Taylor’s Books
Romances about ordinary people—some have flashy jobs, some have every day jobs—but extraordinary romance finds them no matter who they are or what they’re doing. True love is for anyone willing to find their ideal partner.
The Blog
A very intermittent, slightly nerdy blog.
Taylor’s own, plus recommendations
The Nerds Unite
All sorts of randomness from dream casting for the books, to non-book recommendations, and everything in between.
About Taylor
From the time she figured out how to turn the Disney read-a-long cassette tape over in the dark, Taylor’s been addicted to consuming stories and creating new ones. By the time she was thirteen, she started writing Newsies fan fiction and reading romance novels late into the night.
She’s spent her free time becoming fluent in most dialects of nerdiness and is mildly obsessed with all things British (especially the Royal Family and tennis champ Sir Andy Murray.) Growing up with a village of strong women as an example, she doesn’t miss an opportunity to weave in community engagement and feminism into each of her books in one way or another—her heroines are smart, sassy, and driven, and her heroes wouldn’t have them any other way.
She lives in the DFW area with her faithful writing assistant, Nellie Bly (who frequently guest writes on her newsletter) and her own adorkable dude.