2019 Reading Debrief
As 2019 draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on my reading habits this year. It’s a year where I started out wanting to try to be more deliberate in my choice of books, both in terms of reading more widely in genres but also in the diversity of the authors and characters. So, in a fit of compulsive organization, I made a good form and generated a full list and charts. While there’s definitely been a huge growth in the diversity of my choices, it’s also a good reminder that I can do better. I’ve read so many brilliant books by authors of color this year, and I want to be deliberate about reading more of them.
What does your reading breakdown look like? Do you plan to try to be more diverse in the new year? I plan to keep a detailed log in 2020 so I can monitor my own habits and reflect on them as I go. I hope you’ll join me!